Embryyo is a med-tech innovation studio designed to help the medical devices industry in identifying and developing growth assets. We specialize in front-end innovation, new opportunity research, IP creation and product engineering.
WHAT Better / faster / cheaper ways to see / reach / treat the human body will continue to make the established gold standards obsolete and redundant.
WHERE New challenges are hidden at the unique interfaces of contemporary understanding of human physiology, advances in physical sciences that can be reduced to practice and designs that are context-appropriate and empathetic to the end-user. HOW We are driven to address such challenges with solutions derived from nuanced insights into the problem, based on transformative ideas and realized with entrepreneurial hustle. WHY The endpoint of all our endeavors is to create multidimensional value which 1) creates quantum shifts in patient care, 2) alleviates cost burdens for the provider and the payer, and 3) generates multifold impact and returns for stakeholders. In a nutshell, here's what we do -
DiscoverIdentify and select novel, unmet medical device opportunities in niche, high-momentum, high-growth clinical sub-domains
InventGenerate patentable early-stage technologies and product concepts most relevant for the clinical problem at hand
RealizeStress-test new product ideas with rigorous multi-factorial market research and end-to-end product engineering
Dauntlessly advancing the frontiers of medicine, with one medical device at a time
Seeding ideas for a healthier planet!(TM)